Easy-Wheatgrass Products
Wheatgrass Powder (66 sachets)
Wheatgrass Powder is your complete food supplement for your general health. It cleanses, alkalizes and nourishes your blood and ultimately your body. Wheatgrass Powder is the young wheat plant and has 13 vitamins, 10 minerals, 17 amino acids and more than a hundred enzymes. Wheatgrass Powder has the highest level of alkaline minerals than any other food. This means that Wheatgrass Powder will make your body alkaline. Processed foods, preservatives, pollution, stress and lack of exercise can make your body acidic, causing all sorts of sickness. When your body is alkaline, your body utilizes nutrients better, blood flows smoother and and cancer cells are less likely to form. Wheatgrass Powder is also loaded with antioxidants and fiber that cleanse the body. High levels of chlorophyll in Wheatgrass Powder help the production of red blood cells, providing fresh young blood in the body.
Wheatgrass Honey (15 sachets)
Wheatgrass Honey full with natural oligosaccharide. Other than improving acidic constitution, providing enzyme and nutrients needed by human body, Wheatgrass Honey can regulates the ecology of the bacterium in intestine and improve intestine problems. This further enhances the immunity and delay ageing. Other than natural taste of wheatgrass and honey, this product is added with natural oligosaccharide extracted by bio-technology. (Wheatgrass Honey maintains the function of wheatgrass) on the others hand, natural honey provides us with various nutrients, such as lipid, omega 3 and omega 6. Besides, it reduces body heat. At the same time, natural oligosaccharide brings lots of benefit to ensure a healthy intestine.
So Easy Colon Cleanse (3 days)
The So Easy Colon Cleanse is a nutritionally-balanced, safe, natural and healthy way for detoxification and weight loss in the same time. It helps in discharging of major toxin called mucoid plaque from our body in short period through 3 steps. The mucoid plaque can be discharged from our body and the physiological system of human can be normalized. The main function of So Easy Colon Cleanse leverages on 3 major functional stages to provide optimal healthy and slimming effect, i.e Detoxification, Toning and Nourishing.

Easy-Wheatgrass Promotions!!
The unbelievable promotion that you can never find elsewhere. Read below to find out more!!
Wheatgrass Powder Twin Pack (2 Boxes)
One single box is never enough, get a second box! Wheatgrass Powder Twin Pack enable you to pay only $18 for your 2nd box of Wheatgrass Powder, why you still need single box then!?
There is no limit on your order quantity. You can buy as many boxes as you like and just remember that Wheatgrass Powder Twin Pack pays only $18 extra and you will get your 2nd box!
First come first serve, only available for first 30 units. Buy now!
Quantity Available Now: (3 Units)
Shipping Cost: $4.00/ box
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