Wheatgrass Health Info of Anemia
Posted by Easy-Wheatgrass in Health

Years ago, wheatgrass has been given to patients withiron deficiencies and proved to be effective in restoring the blood to normal. Chlorophyll in wheatgrass, having almost identical molecular structure with the “heme” of the blood, has been shown to intensify production of healthy red blood cells. More recent research indicates that some porphyrins (ringed structures in chlorophyll)...
Read MoreWheatgrass Health Info of Body Odor
Posted by Easy-Wheatgrass in Health

Scientists have known the deodorizing properties of Chlorophyll for sometime and this is why some medications, chewing gum and breath fresheners contain Chlorophyll. Chlorophyll has the ability to kill odor-producing bacteria. This is why wheatgrass can mask and eliminate the smell of garlic and fights bad breath, body and menstrual odors. Odor-causing bacteria live without air and are destroyed...
Read MoreWheatgrass Health Info of Cancer
Posted by Easy-Wheatgrass in Health

Wheatgrass contains an enzyme called P4D1 and Abscissic Acid (ABA), which strip cancer cells off their protective covering so that our body’s immune system can attack and easily destroy them. According to some studies, abscissic acid is a formidable anti-cancer agent that is proven to be deadly against any form of cancer even in small amounts. Cancer cells cannot thrive in an alkaline and...
Read MoreWheatgrass Health Info of Constipation
Posted by Easy-Wheatgrass in Health

Fiber in wheatgrass works like a sponge in the digestive system, expanding its size by collecting water and producing bulk that stimulates the intestine to move (wave-like motion called peristalsis) and promote elimination of waste or bowel movement. The many enzymes found in wheatgrass help in faster digestion and breakdown of food in the stomach, which also assist in promoting bowel movement.
Read MoreWheatgrass Health Info of Diabetes
Posted by Easy-Wheatgrass in Health

When taken before a meal, Fiber in wheatgrass regulates absorption of sugar and cholesterol from the food. This will prevent sudden rise of blood sugar level, which is commonly experienced by diabetic patients after a meal. Wheatgrass contains high level of Magnesium since this mineral is the central element in chlorophyll. Magnesium supplementation has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity....
Read MoreWheatgrass Health Info of High Blood
Posted by Easy-Wheatgrass in Health

Many users of wheatgrass not just experience extra energy and stamina but may also reported cardiovascular benefits such as lower blood cholesterol and lower blood pressure. Wheatgrass is rich in Magnesium since this is the core mineral found in every chlorophyll molecule. Magnesium has relaxing and dilating effect on the blood vessels. This means that it can relax constricted blood vessels and...
Read MoreWheatgrass Health Info of Inflammatory Disease
Posted by Easy-Wheatgrass in Health

Inflammation is the response of the body tissues to injury or irritation; characterized by pain, swelling, redness and heat. The terms used to describe inflammatory conditions ends with the suffix “itis” e.g. colitis, inflammation of the colon. Wheatgrass contains three powerful: Super Oxide Dismutase (SOD), P4D1 and D1G1, which are well-known well-known for their anti-inflammatory action,...
Read MoreWheatgrass Health Info of Liver Disorders
Posted by Easy-Wheatgrass in Health

Chlorophyll has protective, stimulating and regenerating effect on the liver. Other than the hundred types of enzymes that wheatgrass supplies (exogenous enzymes which means from outside source), the indole part of the chlorophyll supports production of enzymes by the body (endogenous). These enzymes detoxify carcinogenic substances that can cause liver cancer. The liver also uses theses enzymes...
Read MoreWheatgrass Health Info of Losing Weight
Posted by Easy-Wheatgrass in Health

Wheatgrass suppresses appetite. A glass of high quality wheatgrass juice can replace a meal. It provides quick energy boost, a sense of well-being and stamina. The fiber in wheatgrass has a bulking effect, which gives a feeling of fullness. People taking wheatgrass feel full for a long time, enabling them to lessen the frequency of eating and lessen the amount of food intake. Another reason why...
Read MoreWheatgrass Health Info of Skin Health
Posted by Easy-Wheatgrass in Health

Taking wheatgrass orally and applying it to the skin topically can both results to a younger-looking and glowing skin. Wheatgrass is abundant in powerful antioxidants, like Vitamins C, E, SOD, carotenoids, that prevents free radicals from causing damage to the skin. These antioxidants even provide protection from UV radiation. Other vitamins, minerals, amino acids and phytochemicals in wheatgrass...
Read MoreWheatgrass Health Info of Wound Healing
Posted by Easy-Wheatgrass in Health

It was proven a hundred time over through experience the efficacy of wheatgrass in healing wounds, both minor and severe bed sores, diabetic wounds and burns. Applied topically (mixed Easy Pha-max wheatgrass tablet with small amount of water and make into paste), wheatgrass has drying effect, lessens odor of infected wounds and stimulates tissue formation particularly for burns. Some dentists...
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